


郑煜芳 /教授
专业名称: 导师类别:硕导
研究方向: E-mail:zhengyf#fudan.edu.cn
1 个人经历 起止年月 工作单位 职称/职务










2 研究成果



1. Xie Y, Ma A, Wang B, Peng R, Jing Y, Wang D, Finnell RH., Qiao B, Wang Y*, Wang H*, Zheng Y*. Rare mutations of ADAM17 from TOFs induce hypertrophy in human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes via HB-EGF signaling. Clin Sci (Lond). 2019 Jan 22;133(2):225-238.IF=5.22

2. Wang Y#, Zheng Y#,*, Yang S, Yang Z, Zhang L, He Y, Gong X, Liu D, Finnell R.H., Qiu Z, Du Y*, Wang H*. MicroRNA-197 controls ADAM10 expression to mediate MeCP2’s role in the differentiation of neuronal progenitors. Cell Death & Differ 2018 Dec 18th online. IF=8

3. Chen Z#, Lei Y#, Zheng Y#, Aguiar-Pulido V, Ross M.E., Peng R, Jin L, Zhang T*, Finnell R.H.,*, Wang H*. Threshold for neural tube defect risk by accumulated singleton loss-of-function variants. Cell Res. 2018 Oct;28(10):1039-1041. IF=15.39

4. Wang B, Zhang Y, Dong H, Gong S, Wei B, Luo M, Wang H, Wu X, Liu W, Xu X*, Zheng Y*, Miao Sun*. Loss of Tctn3 causes neuronal apoptosis and neural tube defects in mice. Cell Death & Disease. 2018 May 1; 9(520). IF=5.64

5. Gao X, Finnell R, Wang H, Zheng Y*. Network correlation analysis revealed potential new mechanisms for neural tube defects beyond folic acid. Birth Defects Res A 2018 Jul 17;110(12):982-993. IF=1.6

6. Shi Z, Yang X, Li B, Chen S, Yang L, Chen L, Zhang T, Wang H, Zheng Y*. Novel mutation of LRP6 identified in Chinese Han population links canonical WNT signaling to neural tube defects. Birth Defects Res A 2018 Jan 15;110(1):63-71.IF=1.6

7. Wang B#, Zheng Y#, Shi H, Du X, Zhang Y, Wei B, Luo M, Wang H, Wu X, Hua X, Sun M*, Xu X*. Zfp462 deficiency causes anxiety-like behaviors with excessive self-grooming in mice. Genes Brain Behav. 2017 Feb;16(2):296-307.IF=3.49

8. Qiao X#, Liu Y#, Li P, Chen Z, Li H, Yang X, Finnell RH, Yang Z, Zhang T, Qiao B, Zheng Y*, Wang H*. Genetic analysis of rare coding mutations in CELSR1-3 in Chinese Congenital Heart and Neural Tube Defects. Clin Sci (Lond). 2016 Nov 15; 130(24): 2329-40. IF=4.99

9. Liu B, Ma A, Zhang F, Wang Y, Li Z, Li Q, Xu Z, Zheng Y*. MAZ regulates CT-1 induced ADAM10 expression and NOTCH1 cleavage during gliogenesis. Scientific reports 2016 Feb 12;6:21534.IF=5.23

aa 承担项目

2019.1-022.12   56万元   叶酸不应答性神经管畸形发生机制及预防新策略   国家自然科学基金委面上项目

2018.1-2018.12   20万元   神经管畸形新候选基因和突变致病性筛查   国家自然科学基金委应急项目

2014.9-2017.8   60万元   利用PB转座子小鼠库中涉及新基因的重大出生缺陷表型筛查研究    上海市科委

2009.1-2011.12   24万元   金属蛋白酶ADAM17在大脑皮层发育中作用的研究    国家自然科学基金委青年项目

2008.8-2010.8   20万元   浦江人才计划   上海市科委